Coronavirus is a disease that has emerged from China and has been declared a pandemic by the WHO (World's health Organization). And day by day the number of patients affected by this virus is rapidly increasing.

It has been estimated that the number of deaths caused by the Coronavirus reached 15000 and 345,800 people are affected by this horrible disease. Italy has topped in the statistics of death rate, around 5500 have died in Italy because of these infectious diseases. China is followed by Italy, where 3,300 people have died from COVID -19.

The global outbreak of the Corona Virus is continuing and everybody is scared of it. But don’t worry; in this article, we will give you some safety tips which will prevent you from the Coronavirus. The Champion Chiropractic provides the best Chiropractic services in Coral Springs and we are very much concerned about the health of the people in our area.

That’s why we are sharing some Corona virus-related safety measures with you. These safety tips will protect you and help prevent the spread of Coronavirus. You have to be very alert because currently there is no vaccine that can prevent you from COVID-19.

If playing a sport is your passion, the setback from the injury can be devastating. But not to worry now, because our elite team of sports injury rehabilitation chiropractors in Coral Springs can help you in healing faster after injury. We can help you to recover fast and get back out to normal life.

Before discussing the safety measures we will look at the symptoms of COVID-19.


- Very high fever
- Cough and Cold
- Problem in breathing
- Aches
- Tiredness
- Sore Throat
 It has been noted that older people and small children under the age of 10 years are more chronic to the Coronavirus. Also, the people who are already suffering from some other diseases such as heart problems, kidney diseases, diabetes, may be at higher risk of serious illness.

The car accidents are the major cause of spinal or whiplash injuries and can cause you severe neck or back pain. The Champion Chiropractic and Rehab center’s auto accident chiropractors in Coral Spring specialize in helping those who have been hurt in auto accidents.


The Corona virus was transferred from animals to humans late last year and then it started spreading from human to human. It can be spread by touching the infected person or by touching something infected. It can be also spread through cough droplets.

You can take the following measures to prevent getting infected from Coronavirus diseases -:

* Stay home if you are sick.
* Stay away from sick and infected people.
* Cover your mouth with hanky or tissue paper while coughing and sneezing.
* Use a face mask while going out.
* Wash your hand frequently for at least 25 seconds with hand wash or soap. Instead of washing hands, you can also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer which * contains at least 60% alcohol. And
* Avoid going to crowded places.
* If you are suffering from flu and cold then drink plenty of water and get rest.
* Try to eat homemade food.
 If you have trouble breathing then you should go to the doctor.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth because the hand touches many surfaces and can pick up viruses.


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